
Zourkhaneh Experience in Isfahan

The Heroic Spirit of Ancient Persia in a Traditional Iranian Gym

Zourkhaneh Experience in Isfahan

Find the hidden charisma of Persian chivalry, heroism and athleticism on this tour of a Zourkhaneh (ancient Persian gym) in Isfahan. As the club that used to train strong and modest warriors, a Zourkhaneh will connect us to the roots of Persian culture and spice up our Iran exploration with a lot of fun. Together on this tour, we’ll watch Pahlavani rituals (intangible UNESCO heritage as the longest-running form of heroic training) and lend our ears to the charming sound of Zourkhaneh’s epic music.

What you’ll Experience:

  • Learning about Zourkhaneh equipment and how to use them
  • Observing Zourkhaneh rituals and courtesies
  • Watching traditional sportive performances
  • Watching a traditional Iranian wrestling combat
  • Listening to Zourkhaneh music and songs of epic, legend and spirituality
  • Maybe stepping into the Gowd (the exercise area) and experiencing the traditional heroic exercise


Value For Money

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