
Iran Travel Insurance

Travel Safe And Secure Around Iran
Feature photo - Iran Travel Insurance
18 Oct

Iran Travel Insurance

When you are traveling abroad, it is important to take out appropriate travel insurance before you go.  If you are planning to explore Iran anytime soon, then it is a must for you to get proper travel insurance. Indeed, having valid travel insurance to Iran is essential for any traveler applying for an Iranian tourist visa. In this post, I will inform you about Iran travel insurance, its providers, rates, requirements, and ways to obtain one. In this post, I will go through the necessary information, which, hopefully, will help you choose the right insurance for Iran. Follow me!

Do I Need Iran Travel Insurance, Is It Mandatory to Have Travel Insurance for Iran Visa?

Since 2011, travel insurance has become mandatory for getting an Iranian tourist visa. However, many non-Iranian insurance companies do not offer coverage for travel in Iran due to sanctions. Thus, you should seek proper travel insurance that covers Iran. But before you purchase a new insurance plan, check your current insurance plan if it covers Iran. Please beware that terms such as Asia and Middle East on your insurance don’t necessarily include Iran. So, you need to make sure that the country Iran appears on the list of covered countries obviously. Otherwise, you have to ask your insurance company to issue a proof of coverage which confirms Iran is covered by your insurance plan.

Note: Iran Travel Insurance is not mandatory for the citizens of the following countries: (Nonetheless, I recommend that these travelers purchase Iran Travel Insurance for more safety).

Armenia  Iraq  Oman  
Azerbaijan  Lebanon  Syria  
Bolivia  Georgia  Turkey  
Egypt  MalaysiaVenezuela
Countries with Optional Iran Travel Insurance

Where To Purchase Iran Travel Insurance?

As a traveler to Iran you can choose between Iranian and non-Iranian insurance companies which cover Iran. IATI, Allianz, and True Traveller are examples of non-Iranian insurance companies that offer coverage for Iran. IATI is a popular insurance company that offers policies which generally suit various types of travelers. On the other hand, True Traveller is an insurance provider suitable for the long-term European backpackers. However, I recommend Iranian insurance providers. These companies offer plans that include theft and baggage loss, in addition to the medical coverage, which are not covered by some non-Iranian providers. Above all, the plan fees of Iranian providers are very low compared to those of non-Iranian companies.

Choose The Right Travel Insurance for Iran, Insurance Companies in Iran

In the previous section, I suggested that you purchase an Iranian travel insurance. Indeed, you can choose among various Iranian insurance companies, the most popular of which are: Alborz Insurance, Asia Insurance, Iran Insurance, Parsian Insurance, Pasargad Insurance, and Saman Insurance. In order for you to pick a proper travel insurance, you can consult your travel agency. Our travel agency can also assist you with finding the most suitable plan with lower prices. So, if you need our help, don’t hesitate to contact us.

How To Obtain Iran Travel Insurance?

Travel Insurance is as essential as your passport when you are entering Iran as a tourist. The best way to obtain travel insurance is to ask your travel agency to arrange for the most appropriate insurance. Our travel agency is also here for you! Contact us and we will help you from A to Z to take out the right travel insurance. Alternatively, you can purchase travel insurance at international airports. However, I wouldn’t recommend it. The prices can be higher at the insurance kiosks at the airports.

Moreover, you might have to stand in long lines to purchase your travel insurance. Another issue that you might have to deal with is that if you arrive at the airport late at night the insurance kiosks will be closed. This can cause problems for your visa process since one essential document for visa application is the travel insurance. Thus, make sure to purchase your travel insurance well in advance of the travel.

Travel Insurance in Iran Coverage

Whether you are traveling to Iran for a short time or you are staying longer as a tourist, you will appreciate the coverage Iranian Travel Insurance plans can offer. These plans cover expenses for various services as follows:

  • Medical emergencies (including poisoning, illness, and surgery operation.)
  • Repatriation of the mortal remains (sends back the dead body home.)
  • Medical Evacuation (it will get you home when you fall ill.)
  • Legal support
  • Lost or delayed luggages and lost documents

Having said that, you still need to check closely what services each insurance provider covers and pick the most suitable insurance plan.

insurance 01 - Iran Travel Insurance
Iran Travel Insurance

Iran Insurance Rates

The prices for travel insurance plans can vary depending on your age, stay duration, insurance plan and coverage, as well as the insurance company. Though, the average cost of an Iranian Travel Insurance plan is approximately 10 to 20 euros.  To find the most suitable Iranian Travel Insurance plan and quote contact your travel agency. You can also contact us and we will be by your side in this process!

Iran Insurance Reimbursement

After you have paid out-of-pocket for losses which are covered by your travel plan, an insurance claim should be submitted. Then, each company will pay back the claimed expenses based on its own reimbursement policies.

Free Iran Travel Insurance

How about obtaining a free Iran Travel Insurance? Sounds like a great deal, right? For the peace of your mind our travel agency provides you with free Iran Travel Insurance plans. That is how it works: Once you purchase a tour from our agency, we will offer you free Iran Travel Insurance. So, you need to no more worry about the travel insurance. Sit back! We will do the rest for you.  


We are ready to assist you! Our travel agency will help you all the way through your Iran Travel Insurance admission process. If you wish that we take out Iran Travel Insurance on you, you should submit your request at least 48 hours before you arrive in Iran so that we can obtain the most appropriate insurance plan for you. As soon as we receive your personal information, we can start seeking the right insurance for you. Please note that you are responsible for any mismatch of your personal information including your name, passport number, birth date, as well as issue place and expiry date of the passport.

Keywords: Asia Insurance Iran, music tour insurance, Alborz insurance company, Saman travel insurance, Iran insurance company, travel insurance for Iranian citizens

Zahra Soltani
Content Manager, International Relations Manager

To Zahra, introducing the beauties of Iran is a delight and an inherent mission! Beyond that, arts, culture, literature, mythology, and all the astonishing secrets of our marvelous universe set her soul on fire! This is what makes Zahra a filmophile, an insatiable reader, and a passionate writer.

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