
Iranian Winter : BEST Places to Visit in Winters of Iran

When the Snow Queen Enters Iran
Iranian Winter : BEST Places to Visit in Winters of Iran
25 Feb

Iranian Winter : BEST Places to Visit in Winters of Iran

What do we mean when we say Iran is a four-seasoned country? It simply means that even during winter time, in some Iranian regions it’s just like spring! In different Iranian cities, you can see different climates. Perhaps you would ask how’s it going during the winter in different cities. Well, that’s the subject we’ll discuss today in this blog. Follow me in this passage to read more about winter in Iran.

It is great to visit Iran during the winter; whether you like it ice cold or warm. For those who like to travel in mild weather, southern and central parts of Iran are good destinations. Same time, winter in Iran has a lot of snowy gifts for snow lovers as well, in the cold and mountainous regions where they can enjoy skiing and snowball throwing at each other!

Winter of Iran

There isn’t a “Unicode” for winter in Iran. Depending on the climate of the region, Iranian winter can show different behaviors. In some places it goes wild, in some places, it’s kind and breezy. According to the average climate of a region, the winter of Iran in that specific area can be snowy, rainy, and sunny! Generally, I can say winter in Iran has 4 different manifestations depending on the climate.

Winter in Cold and Mountainous Iranian Regions

There rules a Siberian winter. The Winter of Iran is so cold and snowy in such places. If you like Skiing, such places are the best choices for you. Alborz province (close to Tehran) is a good place for such wintertime activities. It’s important to bring warm clothes with you; if you are about to visit such places. East and West Azerbaijan, Ardabil, Alborz, Kurdistan, and Qazvin Province are prototypes of such Iranian winter.

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Winter in Iran – Kurdistan

Winter in Iran’s Humid and Moderate Climates

Winter in Iran’s humid and moderate climates (known as continental moderate regions) has a different reputation. Humid and moderate climates include the provinces, south of the Caspian Sea. It’s mostly rainy and cold. Sometimes it can be snowy, but snow is not the ruler! The weather in such regions is cold but so romantic during the winter. The sky is usually full of clouds, and sunny days are rare.

Winter in Iran’s Hot and Dry Regions

Winter in Iran’s hot and dry regions is milder than the previous ones. The winter of Iran in such places is not too cold, but it is colder than the other seasons. Some days, it can be rainy and even snowy in these regions; but the average weather type in such places is sunny. The weather is usually colder in the early morning, afternoon, evening, and night; yet around noon, it is usually warm and mild. The majority of Iranian cities such as Yazd, Isfahan, Shiraz, and Kerman are of this type.

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Rainy Day in Shiraz Winter, Hafez Tomb

Winter in Iran’s Hot and Humid Cities

In Southern Iran, where warm-blooded people live in beautiful ports and Islands, the Iranian winter is way different from the other parts. I can say the winter in such places is another name for spring. The weather is so mild in such places that sometimes you can go out in a t-shirt. Such places are great to visit around winter; since the weather is so mild and you won’t drown in sweat when you go out.

دره ستارگان - Iranian Winter : BEST Places to Visit in Winters of Iran
Winter in Iran – Qeshm

Final Words

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Ali Rastegar
International Commerce Manager

Enthusiasm, knowledge and a witty sense of humor is a unique combination that make Ali not only a great writer but also the life of the group! He is a linguist with a lively immagination, a love for apocalyptic literature, and a gift for writing profound peotry.

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